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Archive for November, 2013

Commercial Foods and Hepatitis in Labrador Retrievers

copper hepatitis labrador retriever

A study from Utrecht University in the Netherlands concluded that many commercial dog foods can aggravate the development of copper-associated hepatitis in Labrador retrievers, who are genetically prone to this condition.

Researchers looked at whether copper-associated hepatitis is exacerbated by dietary copper intake present within commercial dry foods.

The study monitored 55 Labradors eating commercial foods for at least a year; 44 of the 55 dogs already had the condition. Through several scientific protocols, they discovered that high dietary copper led to high hepatic copper levels, thereby contributing to the development of copper-associated hepatitis in Labrador retrievers. Zinc intake did not seem to have a connection.

Another study from the same university fed a group of affected Labs a low-copper diet, while some dogs also received zinc supplements alongside a low-copper diet. While the zinc played no role, the low-copper diet led to decreased hepatic copper concentrations.

What Does This Mean?

This Utrecht University studies suggest that feeding our dogs is not a “one-size-fits-all” issue. Like us, dogs are individuals are their diets should reflect such. Feeding inappropriate commercial foods can contribute to disease, as in Labradors, who may benefit from a custom low-copper diet.

If you have a Labrador retriever and are concerned about this issue, contact Sarah to discuss options.