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Archive for February, 2012

Leftovers Make a Great Snack

healthy leftovers for dogsI had some great leftovers kicking around the house, and they had my dog’s name on them.

With a little leftover chicken meat, rice, and vegetables, I created a delicious and healthy snack for my dog, Cori.

This is an example of how convenient it can be to feed your dog a great diet.

Before you load your dog up with a big plate of leftovers, it is important that he or she get used to whole foods in a slow, carefully planned manner. After you learn the basics, you can start branching out and offering casual meals like this one pictured at left … created exclusively from leftovers that were already in the house.

This meal included the following ingredients:

Chicken, both white and dark meat – white rice – sweet potatoes – celery – zucchini – carrots – drizzle of olive oil