Pet nutrition coaching online, pet nutritionist connecticut

Archive for April, 2012

Can dogs eat cantaloupe?

can dogs eat canteloupeAs with most fruits, cantaloupe is highly nutritious.  Many dogs love cantaloupe, and you can incorporate it into their snacks or meals.

Whenever I have cantaloupe, I always share it with my dog. She loves it and I know it is a healthy option for her (with seeds and rind removed of course).

But before you fill up your dog’s dish with cantaloupe, it is important that you introduce all new ingredients slowly and carefully. It took time for me to get my dog’s body to a point where she could easily tolerate most “people food” like cantaloupe. Sure, it’s easy now, but we had to go through a transition period first.

Many times, pet parents will feed their dogs “people food”  thinking they are doing their dogs a favor. In the long run, they are — however all new food must be introduced slowly over time.

I specialize in this transition, guiding you through the process in a slow and scientific manner. Let me help you help your furkid!

Contact me about how to transition your dog to whole foods like cantaloupe, in the proper way.